A Gradual Entry into Shikantaza

Meditation Instruction for Young Urban Zen


Everything Included, One at a Time — Consider this three-part series a gradual entry into shikantaza, the foundational meditation practice of our school of Zazen. Facilitated by Kodo Conlin, this course is designed sequentially for both experienced and first-time meditators: we develop our skills of awareness to include all aspects of our experience, one at a time. We begin with awareness of the breathing, proceeding to include, one by one, practices for wise awareness of the body, emotions, and thinking. This gradual approach is meant to support the cultivation of a clear, wise relationship to all aspects of our experience, with nothing left out. Finally, we enter shikantaza—just wholeheartedly sitting—a comprehensive immersion in the arisings of this moment, the practice of freedom amidst all things.

These 90-minute sessions were recorded at Young Urban Zen in San Francisco and include guided meditation instruction, lecture, and Q&A.

Essential context: Dōgen Zenji’s seminal instructions for and universal recommendation of Zazen, the Fukanzazengi.



The 2023 series begins January 31. Recordings to be posted here.

Session 1: Zazen is Vast; Essential Skills for Awareness of Breathing

We begin this four-part series on the practice of Zazen with some foundations: the vast context of Zazen, essential skills for cultivating an awareness of the breathing, tips on posture, and considerations for starting a practice at home.

Session 2: Liberating Awareness of the Body & Emotions

Extending our practice to include mindfulness of the body can ground us in a freedom beyond the push and pull of pleasant and unpleasant experience. To recognize this push and pull, to remain upright and clearly seeing, we learn a middle path through the joys and turbulence of this embodied life.

Session 3: Non-Identification & Investigation: Observing Thought as Process

To cultivate a wise relationship to thinking, with the encouragement of Suzuki Roshi’s teaching, we invite a kind, open mental posture. From here we practice with a pair of key skills: non-identification and investigation of thinking as process.

Session 4: Opening Wide the Senses, Entering Shikantaza

A guided meditation and instruction in the territory of Shikantaza, the hallmark practice of the Soto tradition, presented through the teachings of Dogen, Hongzhi, and our awareness here and now.




Session 1: Awareness of Breathing

Forming our foundation: instructions for posture, meditation on breathing, and tips for establishing a daily practice.


Session 2: Awareness of Body & Emotions

To build upon our skills to include awareness of the body and wise practice with emotions.


Session 3: Awareness of Thinking & Entry into Shikantaza

Cultivating a mindful relationship to thinking. Having now trained with breath, body, and mind, we open to shikantaza, the heart of Zazen meditation.