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Sozan Michael McCord

Join us in the Buddha Hall at 300 Page St.
Bring a mask.

SFZC's Health-&-Safety Committee key guidelines:

  • Everyone will be asked to self-vet upon arrival, meeting these requirements:

  1. Participants must be vaccinated and have at least one booster shot.

  2. Participants must wear a KN95 or N95 mask at all times indoors.

  3. Participants are not allowed to attend if they have cold or flu symptoms.

  4. Participants are not allowed to attend if they have had close contact with anyone diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 14 days.

  5. Participants are required to cancel their attendance

    • if they have cold or flu symptom

    • if they have been in close contact with anyone COVID positive in the last 14 days.

    • if they tested positive for COVID within the last 10 days. To return to the temple after a positive COVID infection, it must be at least 10 days since testing positive and the visitor must have a negative antigen test.

  • Our event capacity will be increased to 50 (from the previous 30). This being so, we will try not doing an RSVP. If it happens that more than 50 people show up, and we have to turn some folks away this time, we will resume the RSVP.

Typical Schedule for YUZ Community Night (all times PST)

  • 7:10 PM - Arrival & Settling In

  • 7:15 - 7:35 PM - Zazen, guided

  • 7:40 - 8:10 PM - Dharma Talk

  • 8:10 - 8:30 PM - Small Group Discussion

  • 8:30 - 8:40 PM - Q&A + Discussion

  • 8:40 PM - Announcements

  • 8:45 PM - Dedication & Closing

Earlier Event: April 11
Eli Brown-Stevenson
Later Event: April 25
Kodo Conlin