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Everything Included, One at a Time - Introduction to Zazen, Part 3 of 3 with Kodo Conlin

“Sit and stay aware,” we hear in Zazen instruction… “Okay… now what?”

Consider this three-part series a gradual entry into shikantaza, the foundational meditation practice of our school. This course is designed sequentially: we will develop our skills of awareness to include all parts of our experience, one at a time.

First session 8/9: To form our foundation of meditation with breathing and tips for establishing a daily practice.

Second session 8/16: To build upon our skills to include awareness of the body and wise practice with emotions.

Third session 8/23: To develop a mindful relationship to thinking. Having now trained with breath, body, and mind, we open to shikantaza, the heart of Zazen meditation.

Please plan to arrive early enough to settle in by 7:15 PM. The sessions of this three-part series will have a different format than we are used to. While the sessions will build on one another, you are welcome to join for one or all of them.

SFZC's Health-&-Safety Committee has approved this move, provided we follow these key guidelines:

  • Everyone will be asked to self-vet upon arrival, meeting these requirements:

  1. Participants must be vaccinated and have at least one booster shot.

  2. Participants must wear a KN95 or N95 mask at all times indoors.

  3. Participants are required to cancel their attendance

    • if they have cold or flu symptom

    • if they have been in close contact with anyone COVID positive in the last 14 days.

    • if they tested positive for COVID within the last 10 days. To return to the temple after a positive COVID infection, it must be at least 10 days since testing positive and the visitor must have a negative antigen test.

  • Our event capacity will be increased to 60 (from the previous 50). This being so, we will try not doing an RSVP. If it happens that more than 60 people show up, and we have to turn some folks away this time, we will resume the RSVP.