The Sixteen Bodhisattva Precepts

The Sixteen Bodhisattva Precepts are the heritage and foundation of our Zen practice, articulated commitments to living peacefully, for the benefit of all. The Precepts, including the Three Refuges, the Three Pure Precepts, and the Ten Grave Precepts, are given by one’s teacher during lay and priest ordinations, weddings and funerals. Fitting for regular reflection, it is common for practitioners to renew these vows every month during Full Moon Ceremonies. Below, find the rendering of the Sixteen Bodhisattva Precepts chanted at the San Francisco Zen Center.

Three Refuges

I take refuge in Buddha

before all beings,
immersing body and mind
deeply in the Way,
awakening true mind.

I take refuge in Dharma

before all beings,
entering deeply the merciful ocean
of Buddha's Way.

I take refuge in Sangha

before all beings,
bringing harmony to everyone,
free from hindrance.

Three Pure Precepts

I vow to refrain from all evil.
I vow to make every effort to live in enlightenment.
I vow to live and be lived for the benefit of all beings.

Ten Grave Precepts

I vow not to kill.
I vow not to take what is not given.
I vow not to misuse sexuality.
I vow to refrain from false speech.
I vow to refrain from intoxicants.
I vow not to slander.
I vow not to praise self at the expense of others.
I vow not to be avaricious.
I vow not to harbor ill will.
I vow not to disparage the Three Treasures.